Which High School Persona Are You?

There are many different people at a high school, that being someone new(or even a freshman) can be overwhelming. You just want to feel like you belong, and sure enough you will.

Are you switching to a new high school? Are you a freshman, scared of what you may face in high school? Well not anymore. With this quiz, you'll find out just where you belong and who knows. You might just find that one special person among your group of peers.

Created by: Natalie
  1. You see someone bullying a person you don't know, You...
  2. There is a football game at your high school, you...
  3. You are at the mall and you want to buy some music. You pick...
  4. Your L.A teacher is making you participate in the school musical. Which role do you go out for?
  5. You're at the mall with friends and you see a group of super hot guys(or girls). You...
  6. Your parents are out of town, you...
  7. Oh no! You spilled ketchup on your brand new shirt! You..
  8. Your idea of a fun night is...
  9. What is your favorite extra curicular activity?
  10. What is your favorite color?

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Quiz topic: Which High School Persona am I?