which harry potter charater you are?

Harry and his friends are eager to find out which character you are. you are really very brave to have taken this boring (just kidding)quiz. eager just wait!

Are you Harry, the hero, Ron, his best friend, or Hermione, the clever,Dumbledore, the witty, Hagrid, the tall, or Voldemort, the wicked and cruel. SEE SOON.

Created by: bctff
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. which color do you like the most?
  2. what color are your eyes?
  3. your favourite theme?
  4. desgribe yourself in one word.
  5. ur best friends?
  6. do u wear specs
  7. what is ur hair color
  8. what do you like most?
  9. do u like movies
  10. lastly, where do you live

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