Which guy should you choose?

You may be confused about which one of your crushed to have the BIG crush on. This quiz will help you figure out which one you should choose. Which one treats you better.

So is guy one or guy two the right one for you??? Take this quiz to find out which one to love. Guy one may be nice and nerdy and not so good looking and Guy two may be not too nice and not too smart but is SOOOO hot. Take this quiz...

Created by: Ashley

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Which guy attracts you more mentally?
  2. Which one attracts you more physiclly?
  3. Which one is hotter?
  4. Which one describes guy 1?
  5. Which one describes Guy 2?
  6. Which one do you think likes you more?
  7. Which one makes you laugh more??
  8. Which one is nicer???
  9. Which one is smarter?
  10. Who do you get along with better?
  11. What would you say if Guy 1 asked you out?
  12. What about Guy 2?
  13. Would you ever consider asking out Guy one? What about 2?
  14. Last question (part one) how tall is Guy 1 compared to you? you the first choice him the second
  15. Last question... (part 2) how tall are you compared to Guy 2? you first, then him

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Quiz topic: Which guy should I choose?