Which Gallaway Character are you?

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From the misty dells carved out between powerful mountains to the rugged plains and whispering forests, Gallaway thrives. Between bloody wars, disasters, disease, the balance of life teeters within the hands of a few select heroes.

Which of these characters are you? Are you the hunter or the hunted, the king or the peasant, the knight or the knave? What is it about you that could upset the balance or set it all right again? Find out which character from Gallaway you are most like: Chloey, Carter, Leiff, Aaralyn, David, Elynn, Lois, Peter, Vasmyne, or Anwell.

Created by: DuneTrekker
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Between you and the village is a dark and foreboding forest. You...
  2. You have the chance to give up your life to save a friend in battle. You...
  3. You feel most at home...
  4. You despise when people...
  5. After a long day in battle you...
  6. You are...
  7. A victory party is scheduled after the last battle. You...
  8. Someone insults the way you carry a blade. You...
  9. Your lover dies in your arms on the battlefield. You...
  10. You are most afraid of...
  11. You meet up with one of the enemy who is wounded alone in the forest and left to die. You...
  12. Your best companion is...
  13. You make your home...
  14. You see an unarmed man being beat to death. You...
  15. Your weapon of choice is...
  16. People often call you...
  17. Someone very attractive catches your attention. You...
  18. Your ideal lover is...

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Quiz topic: Which Gallaway Character am I?