Which friend are you?

THis is basically a quiz to see which one of my firends you are most like. Don't worry. none of them are creepy or phsycotic or anything. They are basically well mannered people who enjoy various activities....or are they?

If you don't like your result. Get over it. It's a quiz. You can retake it. But trust me, i made all the answers somewhat nice. And if you don't like any of the results, well,then it's your loss. I'd suggest taking another quiz to deal with your frustration.

Created by: Lola
  2. On a friday night you are...
  3. If you saw a hot guy was looking at you, you would...
  4. You are...
  5. Which height best describes you?
  6. Your Grades are usually...
  7. Your favorite stores?
  8. Your Favourite Colours ( yes, i am canadian)
  9. If you were going to the movies, you would see...
  10. Which describes you best?

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Quiz topic: Which friend am I?