Which Flying With the Flock Character Are You?

There are many character of the Flying With the Flock that you can be like. You could be like someone with one skill or many skills. Here you can determine to see if you are like your favorite character.

Can you be like Vanessa? Or Logan? Or any of the other characters? Or are you more interested in the flock? These characters are from my story on max-dan-wiz.com. I am Anna Ride and you can search for it, if you haven't read it yet.

Created by: Anna Ride
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. If you could have wings, what color would they be?
  2. If you could be one of these things, which would you choose?
  3. Who would you choose to be your parent(s)?
  4. How can you explain your life?
  5. Who do you like the best?
  6. Whose relationship would you like to have?
  7. Can you be good friends with werewolves and vampires?
  8. Which do you like better?
  9. Who do you want to be protected by?
  10. What skill do you want?

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Quiz topic: Which Flying With the Flock Character am I?