which five nights at freddy's dude u be

i made this quiz because i was bored. i have a very short attention span so it took me one hour to do this. now dont judge because im ignorant or have, like, no personal respect for this game so like, put some info down in the comments for me k?

so i like may be dumb but not dumb enough to make this quiz so if u get bored i dont really care if u get out of it early so please dont judge to harshly

Created by: i gots swag

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. pick one
  2. oookkkkayyy...... wat is your fav color?
  3. what do people say 'bout u
  4. alright this will be shall random
  5. wat is your fave song ( these are songs i learnde from a friend, look them up!!)
  6. do u like wires
  7. MURF MURF MURF MURF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. i is bored are u
  9. do have the powar of da jump scare
  10. last one!!
  11. will u please comment

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