Which Family do you belong to?

Find out which branch of the family you belong to, The Bellarosa, Akiyama, Lerose, Lebell, Belladona or the mysterious fifth branch that wants us Dead.

Take this test and see if your as Regal as a bellarosa, As loyal as an Akiyama. As nurturing as the Lerose, As observant as the Lebell, As unknown as the Belladona, Or as murderous as the Unknown fifth branch.

Created by: StazyBellarosa

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You see a flower that is withering and you don't think you can help it What do you do?
  2. You fall and sprain your leg, what do you do?
  3. Someone trips infront of you how do you react?
  4. Help, The princess has been kidnapped, you?
  5. What is your purpose in life?
  6. Which family branch do YOU want to be a part of?
  7. What is your rose color?
  8. What would your curse be?
  9. What is your role?
  10. What are you?

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Quiz topic: Which Family do I belong to?