Which Fairy Tail DragonSlayer are you?

Do you want to be a 1st, 2nd, or 3rd, gen Dragon Slayer? That's up to your personality. If your attitude matches with someone, that's who you are, man.

I hope you are excited to see which one of the awesome Dragon Slayers are YOU. If you always wondered which one you would be, hopefully this shows you which.

Created by: Alex
  1. What is your favorite color?
  2. What do you do when your enemy is a few feet away from you?
  3. What do you do on a regular basis?
  4. If someone was making you angry, what would you do?
  5. Choose a word.
  6. Would you die to protect your friends?
  7. Do you like punching things?
  8. What do you do to calm yourself?
  9. What's your favorite food?
  10. What would you be?

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Quiz topic: Which Fairy Tail DragonSlayer am I?