Which Dragon Ball Z Character are you?

I know there are some extreme anime and gamers out there. An extreme gamer, after all, is quite easy. All you mainly got to do in order to be an extreme gamer is you have to try and beat every single game you have. That is all you have to do in order to become an extreme gamer. And in order to be an extreme anime lover, you have to love anime. That is how you can become an extreme anime lover.

Do you want to know if you are an extreme gamer and an extreme anime lover or not? This quiz will help you find out. All the questions in this is all about my 2 favorite things, Kid Icarus Uprising and Dragon Ball Z! Whoever is taking this quiz, I wish you luck!

Created by: DarkPitfangirl
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What form would you take if you facing the Underworld Army?
  2. Which boss would you fight against?
  3. Who would be your backup if you are unable to fight alone?
  4. Where would you fight?
  5. What would your theme be?
  6. How would you react if you were turned into a kid?
  7. If you were no longer a fusion, what occupation are planning to work for?
  8. If you were fighting someone with a weapon, what weapon would it be?
  9. What would you do after Palutena's Army, Forces of Nature, the Underworld Army, and the Aurum were all defeated for good?
  10. If you were living with a pony,which pony would you live with?

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Quiz topic: Which Dragon Ball Z Character am I?