Which DHHS Teacher Are You?

Our English department houses a variety of interesting personalities, from Dr. Seuss masters to Old French gurus, organized theater folks to yearbook advisers.

Have you ever wondered which one of the members of the literary corner you most resemble? Where do you fit in on that weird corner of the 300 hall and also a bit of the 200 hall, really, we're not being specific? Then find out!

Created by: Druid Hills Spotlight of The Followspot
(your link here more info)

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Who's your favorite literary character?
  2. Which is better?
  3. What are yellow, blue, and green?
  4. What is your child's name?
  5. What's 4*3?
  6. Trees:
  7. Favorite morning beverage:
  8. What do you think of REM?
  9. I love lamp.
  10. Are you offended when people mock your homeland?

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Quiz topic: Which DHHS Teacher am I?