Which Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian character are you?

Narnia is filled with dozens of unique personalities... have you ever wondered which one you represent? Are you that of a leader? An introvert? How do these questions translate into the world of Narnia?

In this quiz you'll find out just exactly which character of Narnia, more specifically, in the story of Prince Caspian, you are most like. So, grab your chair as you enter into the magical world of Narnia.

Created by: Emily
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. When faced with a decision to help yourself or help a friend you...
  2. When it comes to authority and working as a team...
  3. Would you consider yourself brave?
  4. How hard working are you?
  5. Do you see yourself as an optimistic (i.e. a positive outlook for the future) or a pessimist?
  6. Be honest: how prone are you to losing your temper?
  7. Is violence or war an unavoidable solution to some problems?
  8. Are you extrovert (talkative and outgoing) or introvert (quiet, shy and reserved)?
  9. Be honest: are you at all gullible? (i.e. easily convinced)
  10. How would you rather spend your day off?
  11. Who do you admire the most, and want to be like?
  12. How do you feel about animals?

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Quiz topic: Which Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian character am I?