which character from raha's fantasy series are you?

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well this quiz is about a fantasy novel! i don't believe you've read it because it's not in the market yet! i just made this quiz to stop my friend complaining(i'm kidding) & see the reaction of the people who don't know what's going on!

so this quiz will show which of the 4 mail character are you! feel free to heave a comment specially if you're angry with me! it'll be nice to see people angry

Created by: the rouge
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. hi! where would you like to live?
  2. what's your element?
  3. when arriving at a new town you...
  4. your friend is in danger what would you do?
  5. which is more important?
  6. which best describes you?
  7. in a time of war what do you do?
  8. which profession suits you best?
  9. it's you duty to kill someone! how do you do it?
  10. last question!witch race do you prefer?

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Quiz topic: Which character from raha's fantasy series am I?