Which character from my story are you? (remake)

Well,as you all know, this is another character quiz. My first quiz wasn't my best effort if you ask me,and the characters weren't either. :P So, this is a remake of my previous quiz and characters who have recently got attitude adjustments. XD

I took about a week or two to create this quiz, and had some help from a friend of mine while making this. And, I'd like to say thanks!(even though you can be a pain in the neck sometimes XD) And, lastly, enjoy the quiz!

Created by: Mr.Anonymous
  1. Someone really pisses you off. He/She is being so annoying! How do you react?
  2. There's been news going around town that a serial killer is in the area. One night, you are walking in the alleys to get home faster. Suddenly, this guy pulls you in! It's the serial killer! You...
  3. You are being forced to work in a group on some project. Halfway through, something goes terribly wrong. You...
  4. On your way home, you see a person who seems like a friend of yours that moved away suddenly a few years ago. You are pretty sure that's your friend. You...
  5. Which of these places would you consider best for anything?
  6. Who are you among your group of friends?
  7. How would you want to die?
  8. Look deep down inside your heart. Go to the darkest part there is. What is your biggest secret/fear?
  9. Most people like to describe you as:
  10. It's the end of a really tiring and stressful week. Some of your friends are celebrating. You are:
  11. The holidays are around the corner. Time to have some fun! But, unfortunately, there's a tonne of homework to do. What happens first?
  12. (Please don't kill me for this question!) What's your favourite colour? (Or the colour that best describes you)
  13. Okay! You probably never heard of this! Language of flowers! Pick one!
  14. Your father, whom you've never seen in years suddenly comes visit you! You:
  15. Along with your father, it's your mother!(you haven't seen her in years too)
  16. Okay, I know your getting bored here, so I'll put an end to this quiz. Bye!

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Quiz topic: Which character from my story am I? (remake)