Which category of tennis players do you fall under?

Every tennis player has their own game or play-style. Learning and mastering some of the major play-styles in the game will definitely make you one of the most formidable players out there!If you don't know your play style, we're here to help you assess your play.

Are you a club member trying to identify why you get beaten by certain types of players? Are you a beginner tennis player, seeking more insight about the basic game types?

Created by: Tennismania of Tennismania
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How good are your serves and volleys?
  2. Where do you prefer to play from?
  3. What is your greatest strength on court?
  4. How long do your matches last?
  5. Which of these do you seek to do in a match?
  6. How readily do you adjust your play in a match?
  7. Your opponent's would describe you as?
  8. Which of these players do you think you are likely to be playing like?
  9. Where do your winners come from?
  10. Do you have a coach to guide your play?

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Quiz topic: Which category of tennis players do I fall under?