Which Cat Transformer are you?

The Cat Transformers were my idea of combining cats and cars and it turned out pretty well. I hope it becomes known and becomes a movie, but right now just keep watching for the animated version on YouTube.

See if your a violent killer or a timid leader. Are you a healer or a hunter? Could you take on any challenge or would you sit and cry out in pain and grief? Well, it's time to find out.

Created by: Carie of [no urls]
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You see an enemy patrol on your territory, you...
  2. You catch word that the world is going to end, you...
  3. You are starving and are offered some human food, you...
  4. Prey is scarce due to -120 degree temperature, you...
  5. You learn your best friend's most protected secret, you...
  6. You're in a huge battle with your enemies. You see your leader struggling with a muscular cat that is twice his size, you...
  7. Who's your favorite car dealer(s)
  8. What's your favorite color9s)
  9. What's you favorite animal(s)?
  10. If you had to fight against the most powerful Prime, you would...

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Quiz topic: Which Cat Transformer am I?