Which Animal Are You?

This quiz is about you finding out which animal you are. I owe you for taking this quiz. I owe you a... A... A new quiz soon!

You are a genius for taking my quiz. It means your a good person that cares about others and animals.

Created by: cutie123
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you like to be outside?
  2. Do you like to swim?
  3. Does the night scare you?
  4. If you were out walking one day and found something, what would it be?
  5. What animal at the zoo would you like to see?
  6. Are you tired of my questions yet?
  7. One time you stumbled upon a rock. What or who would you give it to?
  8. Have you heard of a pigitle?
  9. If you heard of a pigitle, when have you heard of it?
  10. This is the last one, did you like my quiz?

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Quiz topic: Which Animal am I?