Where do we stand?

Are we where we need to be? Do we need to talk some more? Let me KNOW WHAT IT IS ? No matter where you stand it can get better... All it takes is a little time and TLC ;-)

Are you an Expert on BoyBoy ? Do you want to know more ? Where do we go from here ? Where do you want to go from here? Let's figure it out 2-gether. It's you and me kid ;-)

Created by: Rhonda

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What's my favorite color ?
  2. How many tatts do i have ?
  3. What's my pets name
  4. Where am i from ?
  5. Do i want Kids ?
  6. Who's my BFF ?
  7. Who's my favorite Celeb ?
  8. My next piercing is ?
  9. Where am i lookin forward to going ?
  10. How many piercings do i have now ?

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