When Worlds Collide (part 1)

***READ ME*** Hey, guys! Welcome to part 1 of my new series: When Worlds Collide. Now this series isn't just any series... it's a mash-up of Paranormal Love and Don't Leave me Hanging (made by the one and only xxblutixx.) If you like both those series, then you'll love this... hopefully. :P This story is written by me, but it has xxblutixx's characters in it. (They're not in the first part, just to let you know.)Her characters might sound a bit different with my writing style, but I'll try to be accurate. Anywho, I guess in a way, those who wanted it got a season 2 of Paranormal Love. One more thing: special thanks to angelic4 for coming up with the mash-up idea in the first place. :)
This series will have some old characters as well as some new ones. There is no _____ in the story. Skye would be considered ____, but you can pick any one of the girls to represent "you" (besides Stella or Allissa, of course.) The story starts off with Allissa's point of view and it will change from time to time. A few things will be different, you'll see. All the characters so far are in 11th grade and they go to school. Okay... I think that's all you need to know for now. Enjoy!