Whatcha know about it?

Okay so for some strange reason I have to write a paragraph describing my quiz. It's retarded and I don't know what purpose it serves but here goes. That's good. dfhdf efkj39 3 a hfj fj3oih 2ihrfi aa weihf ahi;hv hwiii hio3;hf 9j;kj f jkf;jiej; f;a;ija;alkj; f iej [iog d dij gij g

Yo yo yo welcome to my quiz. I have to type a bunch for this thing to process. Stupid. fdnj fiafjoij;d fhdfh dikelll djfio piuhhjh fghhdla dhuujlhvj edhjfa dhfahfjh fheeoo wwhud f eoef

Created by: Whitney
  1. What's my middle name?
  2. What's my favorite type of food?
  3. What's my favorite candy? (I love how all my questions are about food.)
  4. 1st and 2nd fav movies of all time? (This one's tricky..)
  5. At the mall, I can't leave without going in _____:
  6. Evening TV. What am I watching?
  7. What's my kitten's name?
  8. What could I be for the rest of my life?
  9. In August 2008, I'll be graduating with my B.A. in what?
  10. What instrument do I play?
  11. How many siblings do I have?
  12. If I picked one thing I didn't like about myself, what would it be?
  13. Where do I want to go to grad school?
  14. What's my favorite season?
  15. Some ways to impress me?

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