what yu-gi-oh! character would you date?

do YOU like yu-gi-oh?? have you EVER wondered what guy you would date if you were in the show??? if so click here to see for your self!!! like i will tell you the people you might get!

well have fun chose wisly and you just might get a true hottie!!! so just so you know the contestans are: a... ,y... , y... , b..... , t...... , y... b..... ,j... ,k...., t...... ,and m.... have fun!!!

Created by: liznix

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. are you shy?
  2. are you evil??
  3. do you think friends are important???
  4. what were you in your past life??
  5. would you like to play card games??
  6. lolz do you like food?
  7. lolz!!! ok now then..... how would your deck look like??
  8. finaly!!! WHAT IS YOUR FAVE CARD??
  9. what animal is ur fave??
  10. click any 1 doesn't effect from here.
  11. yu-gi-oh rulz!
  12. bored yet???
  13. push the button!!!
  14. 26 more!!!! bored now!!!?
  15. push the bunny!!
  16. push the ?????
  17. srry i'm bored too. what 1 is wrong??

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