What Will Be Your Band Name?

There are people everywhere who say "I want to have my own band and become famous! But I do not know what to call my band" Yes, a common trouble... but indeed, easily remedied!

Now, you can figure out just what to call your band and rise to the top! With the help of my quiz, just answer the questions provided you and figure out your band name!

Created by: Jessica Kruger
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. It's open mike night! What do you sing?
  2. Quick! Pick one!
  3. OMG!!! You won the prize of your dreams! What is it?
  4. What is your favorite board game?
  5. You are cloud-spotting. What does that one look like?
  6. Quick! Pick one! Part 2!
  7. Fave Harry Potter character?
  8. It's your last day on Earth! What do you do?
  9. What is your birthday party activity?
  10. What do you doodle?

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Quiz topic: What Will Be my Band Name?