What Were You Raised On?
We've all done this before, each and every one of us. There is no person that hasn't stood for hours in the library, wondering what book they should read next. What now? You think. I've read some good ones, but... I don't know where to go. I want something thats going to knock me off my feet and prove to me that literature can go beyond reality. I just want a good book already.
Is that YOU? If you were to take out a personal add, would it say, "DESPERATELY SEEKING A GOOD READ? MUST LOVE EVENINGS IN FRONT OF THE FIREPLACE, HOT COCO, THE BEACH, AND THE OCCASIONAL BOOK CLUB?" Well, search no farther. With this quiz, you'll be able to understand yourself better than ever before. It's a true process of self-discover... and who knows, maybe you'll even find a book.
Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?