What underwear are you?

Underwear is magical. All different types have different feelings and personalities. Which type are you? The folowing words are just to make this paragraph how long it has to be to submit this quiz: How are you what who when why how homonym hot stuff

Underwear, Underwear. The mysterious thing. Ranging from the common boxers to the alusive speedo. What pair matches you?The folowing words are just to make this paragraph how long it has to be to submit this quiz: How are you what who when why how homonym hot stuff

Created by: JJ
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Where would u go for a first date
  2. What would you do for your birthday?
  3. Are you Gay/Lesbian?
  4. Are cantalopes attracive to you?
  5. Top or Bottom?
  6. Boxers or Briefs?
  7. Bra on or off
  8. Ab or Flab?
  9. Do you like FIRE!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
  10. Which question is the stupidest to ask?

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Quiz topic: What underwear am I?