What type of RPGer are you?

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RPGing is a fun way to spent time on the net. It gets you motivated, and teaches you how to use your brain. RPing can also teach you how to use proper grammar and how to spell correctly and is a very useful tool if you want to become an author.

What type of RPGer are YOU? Are you epic, average, or do you need a bit more practice? To find out, all you need to do is take this quiz. Go ahead, don't be shy...

Created by: Moonleaf105

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. How many times a day do you post in your RPG's?
  2. How many RPG's are you in?
  3. How much do you like to RP on the scale of 1-5? 1 = I'm OBSESSED! 5 = Not at all. I despise RPG's.
  4. So what kind of RPG's do you like?
  5. Let's say you're in a wolf pack RPG. What would your name most likely be like?
  6. Okay, I'm going to give you a scenario, and you're gonna have to tell me what you'd do on the next question, okay?
  7. You are in your dying moments, and no one is there but your best friend, who is desperately trying to help you, although you know you're going to die. What are your last words?
  8. Are you my friend?
  9. Do you like cheese?
  10. Finally! You have reached the end. What did you think of the quiz?

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Quiz topic: What type of RPGer am I?