What type of person are you? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What type of person are you?

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  • What type of person are you?
    Your Result: You are sporty

    You love sports & athletics. You don't care about what you look like & you are very confident. I give you congratz. Well anyways, you are most likely one of the natural popular ppl. -.- I HATE PINK!!!

    You are a nerd/geek

    You are a person who is unknown & misunderstoo

    You are a goth
    You are an emo
    You are a girly-girl
    not aplicable
    not aplicable
    My real name in Connor Torres

  • Unknown or Misunderstood...wow that description is so right. I do read a lot of books, I like all kinds of music, and I am smart (straight A's). =P I also hate pink. That color should die!

  • Ya, I'm sporty, but I'm girly too, and I defunitely do not hate pink. And there's nothing wrong with being a prep. They are not evil. Well I'm not anyways.

  • Misunderstood, geeky. That's pretty accurate. I'm mysterious like the moon, as well as smart and talented.

    Kokoro Shouyou
  • i am the the creater and i got unknown/misundersto od. I hope u all liked and I hope i'll be making more quizzes here and on quizilla :P

  • unknown and misunderstood i am. yoda i am. for dinner pizza having. respond if jedi you are.


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