what type of mythological/sifi creature are you?

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ok most people stereotype creatures but this is mostly for the sake of fun and curiosity. not for accuracy even though I tried to make it legit and humorous

I do not intend to offend anyone with this quiz it is of innocent nature not malice, if you are offended you can try some of my newer quizzes for less "offensive" fun

Created by: xeds girl

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

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  2. you have $200 what do you spend it on
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  4. favorite food
  5. what do you think your results may be
  6. lying is___________________
  7. do you still sleep with a nightlight, stuffed animal or something of that nature?
  8. blood
  9. do you find yourself attractive
  10. killing is ok if__________

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Quiz topic: What type of mythological/sifi creature am I?