What type of jedi form do you use?

This quiz was for testing you if you were a jedi, what lightsaber form you would use. all contestants..........i mean jedi...........will get a prize to be a normal person in the world.

This prize will consist of haveing no lightsaber, no force ablility, and no fleet. that means you, bob! he is always like that... anywho, i would like to thank the academy for their support in Money and jedi for all their support. lol.

Created by: TK421
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you use the First form, Atira
  2. Do you use the 2nd?
  3. the third?
  4. and the forth?
  5. fifth?
  6. Sixth?
  7. finally, the seventh!
  8. HAHA! you are doing another
  9. Go screw urself answer one!
  10. OH FINE!

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Quiz topic: What type of jedi form do I use?