What type of girl are you?

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What type of girl are you? Are you Boyish, Girly, Goth, Intelligent, Normal or Random? Are you out there, or just plain scary? Are you smart or normal?

What type of girl are you? Are you Boyish, Girly, Goth, Intelligent, Normal or Random? Are you out there, or just plain scary? Are you smart or normal?

Created by: sarsarisme
  1. What's your favourite colour?
  2. Where's your favourite place?
  3. If the sky was the limit, what would you be in life?
  4. What your favourite food?
  5. So, your bored, what do you do?
  6. Pick One...
  7. Which Sport? (Sorry, I Like These Sort Of Questions...)
  8. So, Do You Have Any Crush On Anyone? Anyone At All?
  9. When I Say Disney, What Runs Through Your Mind?
  10. Did You Like This Quiz?

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Quiz topic: What type of girl am I?