What type of crazy are you

Do you wonder if you are crazy. You could be crazy about many different things! You just need to find out what before you hurt yourself! That`s what this quiz is for!

Do you wonder if you are crazy. You could be crazy about many different things! You just need to find out what before you hurt yourself! That`s what this quiz is for! Sam thing because I had nothing better to put!

Created by: Kirby B

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You hear a noise! What do you think it is!
  2. You see its a guy holding a knife. You....
  3. The guy is dead. You see its your dad that came back holding a butcher knife and a bag of rotten meat.
  4. You berry the body and (to let you know this was in summer holidays) a summer later you get a letter. You...
  5. The letter says : I know what you did last summer. (Yes I no this IS off a movie) You think of...
  6. Then another letter shows up and says: NO I MEAN THE GUY YOU KILLED! So you...
  7. You are on a bike driving around when you see a man standing by you. He says " A guy told me to give this to you" Its another paper this time it says: I will find you. I know every move you make and every where you go. I might even be watching you right now! So you.....
  8. You go to Walmart and pull out the 60 dollars I for got to tell you that you packed. You buy.....
  9. (If You chose the train ticket the fake identity fell into a trash can and the train went by before you could get on so you found a pack pack full of useful things) A little girl comes up to you and says:that man over there told me to give this to you
  10. So you win and the killer is dead. But your mom is mad that you killed your father so she kills you! Your last words are!

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Quiz topic: What type of crazy am I