What Type Of A Vampire Are You?

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They say that vampires are among us all the time, we just don't know it... Maybe you are a vampire yourself, you just haven't figured it out yet... Well, are you? Take this quiz, and lets find out which one you are =)

Sorry for the repetition They say that vampires are among us all the time, we just don't know it... Maybe you are a vampire yourself, you just haven't figured it out yet... Well, are you? Take this quiz, and lets find out which one you are =)

Created by: Kish
  1. Do you ever feel strangely fascinated by the color red? (somehow just love red, everything around you seems to have something to do with red)
  2. Do you love to see the sight of blood in anyway whatsoever?
  3. Do you feel like you can "feel" people's emotions?
  4. Are you easily hurt or a very strong emotional person?
  5. Are you afraid of the dark?
  6. Would you prefer World Peace or All The Mysteries Of The World Revealed?
  7. Would you think of yourself as someone who is pretty attractive?
  8. If you could feed the hungry people all over the world or be the hottest person alive, which would you choose?
  9. Do you believe in Ghosts?
  10. Do you believe in Heaven and Hell?
  11. Have you inherited any diseases from your family?
  12. Are you afraid to die?
  13. Would you consider yourself a vegetarian or a meat-eater?
  14. Do you have temper management issues?
  15. Do you have a disability?
  16. Do you regularly have horrible nightmares?
  17. If you could read people's minds intentionally, would you invade their privacy?
  18. Werewolf or Vampire?
  19. If you enjoyed this quiz, I will make a "What Type Of Werewolf" are you quiz, please don't hesitate to leave in the comments whether I should make the Werewolf quiz or some other you would want. Thank You

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Quiz topic: What Type Of A Vampire am I?