What Star Wars Charter are you

Their are a lot of smart people Like you. You are the best for taking this quiz thank you so mutch for it so take it again please you man or womann take it again

You can wonder about me but you are a misterious man yourself so take it again. Please take it again and again give it a thumbs up please it was fun!!!

Created by: Rhettex

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your favorite Star Wars movie
  2. Who is your favorite star wars Charter
  3. What color of light-saber would you have?
  4. Who is is your favorite Bounty Hunter?
  5. Who is your favorite Sith
  6. Your Friend said Anakin is a puss You say
  7. You like star wars but What bugs you
  8. How old are you?
  9. What would you be a
  10. Is Star wars your favorite Movie

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Quiz topic: What Star Wars Charter am I