What song fits you?

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There are many songs in the world that represent you and sometimes ur friends.....well go ahead and take this quiz and find out for yourself ......WHAT SONG ARE YOU??????

there were a lot of songs to choose from and only a few made it on my list. you probably wont enjoy my quiz only cuz im I newbie ....sorry. umm and my results wont be very accurate sorry about that too, but I hope you enjoy!!!

Created by: stormfur
  1. how fun are you?????^^
  2. artsy???????
  3. evil???????
  4. {no effect}.....how are you?
  5. (im running out of questions)....im bored
  6. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz[no effect]
  8. ahhhhhhhhh what wood u do if u wer stuck in a fire?
  9. qwertyuiop?
  10. how do you party?
  11. bye bye?

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