what scooby-doo character are you?

real Scooby-doo fans take this quiz!!!!!!!! to know who you are most like you should take this quiz! this quiz will connect you with the character that you are most alike and enjoy.

are YOU scooby?Shaggy?Velma?Fred?Daphne?well you will find out with this quiz! i hope you get the results you hope and expect to have!if not.....well better luck next time!

Created by: dracobb

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. would you rather:
  2. during a mystery you are:
  3. in your spare time you are doing what?
  4. what is your favorite animal?
  5. what is your favorite food?
  6. what is your favorite color?
  7. what is your favorite feature that is in your room?
  8. what is your line?
  9. what would you do if you won a million dollars?
  10. who do you think you are?
  11. how did you like this quiz?(1 being the worst, 6 being the best)

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Quiz topic: What scooby-doo character am I?