What's your white girl name?

Do you love yoga pants, but have never really known where you stand with the other b*tches? Many people think that their uggs are the nicest, but how can you know for sure?

Gurl, it's time to put down the starbucks and pick up the mac book air! This quiz will tell you where you stand with those hoes you call friends. Be ready to get personal!! This quiz will be your fav 5ever!

Created by: megfittzz

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. First off, what car did your parents buy you for your 16th/17th birthday?
  2. You have left last period history and are on your way to starbucks for your mid-afternoon frap with Bethany (ugh she's acting like a b---- again). What song are you jammin' too?
  3. You get to Starbucks. What do you order?
  4. What kind of underwear are you wearing right now?
  5. What's your currently bra size?
  6. Your mom asks you if you can drive your little brother to his baseball practice. How do you respond?
  7. Fave shoes ever?
  8. Bethany's having a party tn, but that betch didn't openly invite you. Are you going????
  9. How crunk were you last weekend?
  10. What's your fav ever store at the mall?
  11. And finally, at what age did you lose your virginity? (for realsss)

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Quiz topic: What's my white girl name?