What's your theme song when you're with your crush?

Shakespear wrote "Romeo and Juliet", Beyonce wrote "Deja Vu", and I have wrote this quiz! Hey, life is so little and you crush is so far from knowing you like him. Come on, call him. Tell him you result, it's great or bad depending who you are.

Love songs when you're by him? I get you. Hey, why not take this awesome quiz I made?! Totally, the result are full of wonder so why are you wondering if he likes you? Take the quiz!

Created by: Monai

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You're at a concert with your 3 friends and then you see your crush is there with his 3 friends and you're 3 chairs apart.What are you most likely to do?
  2. You were assigned a project with YOU CRUSH and you guys plan to go to the library to study (Where no one you knew would be there!) What are you guys going to do there?
  3. You just went out with your crush [HEAVEN!] and he walks you to your door. So, what are you doing ;)
  4. Remember that date? What are you doing or thinking about in your room?
  5. What would you love if you and your crush was BF/GF?
  6. What's the rate of you and your crush's looks together?
  7. Do you like this Quiz?
  8. What do you like about your crush?
  9. Have your crush's #?
  10. After this quiz, will you tell him you like him and the song about you guys?

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Quiz topic: What's my theme song when you're with my crush?