What's Your Summer Personality? (for girls)

When summer begins, different people look foreword to it for different reasons. Some like to do different activities. Each of you have a unique personality.

So, what's YOUR summer personality? In a few minutes, you can find out. The questions you answer will shape your answer, so choose carefully and honestly. Have fun!

Created by: Hope

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your favorite summer food?
  2. What are you most looking foreword to this summer?
  3. If you were to choose a color to reflect your personality, which would you choose?
  4. What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?
  5. What type of shoes do you wear the most?
  6. Pick the qualities that describe yourself.
  7. What is your go-to hairstyle?
  8. If you were given a piece of paper and a pen, what would you do?
  9. What takes up most of your closet this summer?
  10. What will you miss when you have to go back to school?

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Quiz topic: What's my Summer Personality? (for girls)