What's your dowsing stone?

what's your dowsing stone? you'll never know... unless you take our quizz! or decide for yourself but then you'll lose the fun in it... so why be a douche about it?

a note to all those who wana report us... all information and facts used in this quizz was obtained at the crystal-cure.com webstie. so dont report us or suffer the consequences as we WILL curse you.

Created by: moeksipoofsmoochikins

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. do you know what a dowisng pendulum is?
  2. which stone do you like best?
  3. what's your fave element?
  4. do you know what a chakra is?
  5. which would you rather have?
  6. wotcha doin ryyyt now (hill billy accent hehe xD)
  7. what do you think you're gonna get?
  8. the dreaded question... just answer already!
  9. what's your fave flavour? it does effect your score so chose wisely!
  10. what's your fave smell? also has an effect

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Quiz topic: What's my dowsing stone?