What's your current life?

There are many people who find life meaningful while other's don't. Meaningful is, afterall quite farmilar to human beings. But it is true? Human beings find life meaningful?, "Surronds your nature into your mind."

Do you find life meaningful? Do you have have willpower to control everything? Until now you could only wonder. "But thanks to this quiz, in just a few minutes you will find out!"

Created by: Felicia
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. When there is no one with you, you wish, how you felt?
  2. How do you find your current life?
  3. When your friend ask you out to a party, how you reply her?
  4. How you felt when your loved ones left you?
  5. Do you felt life meaningless?
  6. What you felt when your friend told you a joke to cheer you up?
  7. Are you always thinking of your past? (Happy things)
  8. Why are you doing this quiz?
  9. How you find this quiz?
  10. Are you excited to know your results?

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Quiz topic: What's my current life?