What Medieval Character Are You?

Have you ever been to the Medieval Party? It's a lot of fun, isn't it? Castles, quests, and magic! But have you ever had trouble deciding what to be? Have you ever wondered which Medieval character would suit YOU the best?

Worry no longer! Take this simple, fun quiz and in 13 questions, you can find out! Then you can easily pick the character you portray the best and stun all of the island with your terrific skills.

Created by: Peg

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You wake up. It's early in the morning, and the sky is bleak and grey. Rain is pattering down heavily. You...
  2. Soon, you find yourself in the kitchen, and you're STARVING. What's for breakfast?
  3. The rain is starting to let up, and after breakfast, the sun comes out. It's a perfect day to go outside! You decide to go to the park. When you get there, you...
  4. After an hour or two, it (ugh!) starts raining again! You have to get home quickly before that lighting in the distance reaches you. Your transportation is a...
  5. Ugh. You try all of your options, but you can't reach any transportation! You pull out your emergency umbrella and hike a little while, until you reach a little shopping center. You take cover in...
  6. The rain isn't going to let up any time soon, you decide to get some lunch. You pop into the small restaurant there. It's a weird place with strange things on the menu. You order...
  7. When you're done at the restaurant, you realize you're late for a very important appointment, and only have a few minutes to get there. You pop out your cell phone, which is...
  8. FINALLY, you reach someone! Unfortunately, it's much too late for the appointment. You decide to spend your free time doing something else. You...
  9. After you return home, you realize you totally forgot to research your history paper... and it's due tomorrow! You glance at the clock. It's 4:45 PM, and you have to go to a party at 6:00 PM. You...
  10. It's time for the party! Your friend picks you up and drives you over to the place. It's the hottest spot in town! All of the popular people are there, and basically everyone else, too. You...
  11. Phew! It's finally time to go home, after a tiring day you throw yourself in bed and fall asleep before your head touches the pillow. Why did you take this quiz? (And be honest!)

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Quiz topic: What Medieval Character am I?