What Korn Member Are You!

Their many people who are korn fans but you are the ultimaate korn fan because you are now a member of this f---ing rockin band. and yes you are a clown.

you are a f---ing member of korn and you better like it cause this is the best band in theworl;d so dont f--- up b---- and i'll see you on the other side and i'll be untouchable.

Created by: Lunchbox

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

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  2. What insurment do you play?
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  4. What are your habbits?
  5. What are some tattoos you have?
  6. What is alcohal habits?
  7. What is noted as your favorite song?
  8. I have...
  9. I use..
  10. Besiddes korn i..

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Quiz topic: What Korn Member am I!