what kind of person are you?

There are sevreal(however you spell i am tired) types of people in this world. in this quiz we focus on four. read on to find out what kind of person you are!

In this quiz, you will discover which one of the main kinds of stereotypes you are. maybe you are goth, or perhaps, a nerd, you also might be popular. another posibility (however u spell, again im tired) is a hipster.

Created by: ilikebacon
  1. A random person walks bye, says hi, and you walk bye. (omgggggggg i just realized that rhymed!!!) Why did you do so???
  2. what's you're favorite color? [hides behind rock so you don't murder me]
  3. What is your favorite food?
  4. Fav show???????
  5. top two fav words?
  6. which of these is the closest to what you are wearing/ which of these do you like the most?
  7. the next questions will be me saying a word, and u say the first word that comes to mind
  8. GOOD
  9. YOU
  10. ITEM

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Quiz topic: What kind of person am I?