What kind of GIRLS do you attract?

This is a quiz I decided to do since I was on here and I kind of know how the little dating circle goes... I have a lot of friends, several close and with very different personalities and they all like different kinds of guys, so I made this quiz so the guys out there can have a little bit of help getting the kind of girl they want, or at least for them to see what kind of girl they are attracting presently.

Who knows how you will score? Are slutty girls attracted to you? What about bad girls? Lonely girls? No girls? Young girls? Older girls? Golddiggers?? Or maybe you attract the good girls? After my quiz you'll have a little better idea of what kind of girls you are attracting.

Created by: Dannie
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. When do you spend money on your girl?
  2. When you're buying your girl a gift, where do you shop?
  3. What do you do to impress a girl?
  4. I chew my gum...
  5. My breath smells like...
  6. I don't like real relationships.
  7. On the phone...
  8. I have...
  9. My favorite season is...
  10. I like to talk about my and others relationships and feelings.
  11. My ideal date...

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Quiz topic: What kind of GIRLS do I attract?