What kind of girl are you?

This quiz is a donation from me to tell what you are inside. how can you tresure it? To feel good about your self? And the inner workings of your mind.But first...

I must know what type of girl yes thats right girl so if you are a boy reading this then BACK OFF!Its for girls only :3 any how i need to know what type of girl you are. Are YOU ready to find out?

Created by: Deistny

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you have mostly girls for friends?
  2. The coolest girl in school comes up to you and asks "Do you want to come to a sleepover with all the girls? Were doing makeovers!"
  3. What type of toys do(did) you play with?
  4. What is you favorite thing listed below?
  5. Favorite animal?
  6. What color is your room?
  7. what is your fav. electronic object?
  8. Whats your fav. color?
  9. Tom and Jerry so TOM or JERRY?
  10. Art is...

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Quiz topic: What kind of girl am I?