What kind of ghost are you?

I hope your happy with your reasalts . Im going to take this quiz when im done making it . Wish me luck . By the way if your dissapionted with your reasalt im sorry .

Are you Lily ? Are you Kris ? Are you Mary ? Until now you could only wonder . But thanks to this awsome quiz now you can find . If you know the people on here umm sorry .

Created by: lukka

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are you goth?
  2. Do you play any sports?
  3. Do you live with your parents?
  4. Do you like to eat icecream?
  5. How do you do in class?
  6. Are you in a realationship?
  7. Do you have a pet?
  8. What kind of music do you like?
  9. Do you have anger issues?
  10. whats your fav. color?

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Quiz topic: What kind of ghost am I?