What Kind Of Animal Are You ?

This quiz is to find out why kind of animal you really are, This quiz will help you to know what animal hides beneath your true inner self ad i hope you love your result

This quiz is to. Help find the inner animal inside of you and I hope you find that animal inside of you and hope that it matches you, This quiz is meant for animal lovers

Created by: jennmariek
  1. What Food do you eat ?
  2. What is your favorite color ?
  3. Do you love long naps ?
  4. Do you love bunnies ?
  5. Do you love taking baths ?
  6. What activity do you like to do ?
  7. Are you nice ?
  8. Do you love people ?
  9. Did you like this quiz ?
  10. Are you ready for your result ?

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Quiz topic: What Kind Of Animal am I ?