What Is Your Wolf Name??

There are many smart people, but few true.But not just you alone your friends and you learn from each other and help yourself out together knowing what to do or how to help out.

I hope you like my quiz and i hope you learn from what mistakes you make or did and try and make a promise to help your friends and they will help you when you need it most.

Created by: amazon
When Will I Die Test
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What do you like to do??
  2. Little bit a RP here....You see a pup alone in the dark forest,What do you do?
  3. What's your favourite animal?
  4. How many pets have you got??
  5. What comes next. I love ________
  6. What do you think you will be???
  7. What colour do you like better??
  8. Only this one and 2 more questions. What animal do you think you would be?
  9. What's are you more like?
  10. Last question.What did you think of the quiz?

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Quiz topic: What Is my Wolf Name??