What Is Your warrior Cat Name?

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Would you like to know your warrior cat name? If you do try out this quiz What Is Your Warrior Cat Name to find out. You should come up with the name that is most like your personality

If you don't know what warrior cats is it is a popular book series made by the group Erin Hunter. Check out the books if wanted, they are great! There is 5 series so far, 5th isn't finished

Created by: InternetChick
  1. How do you act?
  2. What is your favorite color?
  3. What would your hobby be as a warrior cat?
  4. What is your favorite animal?
  5. What is your favorite fantasy character?
  6. Do you like the scent and taste of blood?
  7. If you see a cat from a different clan on your territory what do you do?
  8. If a cat from a different clan steals kits from the nursery what do you do?
  9. What would you do if another clan attacked your clan?
  10. How would you treat your apprentice?

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Quiz topic: What Is my warrior Cat Name?