What is your Rank?

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This quiz will help you determine your rank of the Hollow Forest. If you have no idea what your wolf would fit into, this quiz will help you by tons. If you don't feel that the result is helpful, go ahead and choose a rank yourself.

Do you need help in finding your wolf a rank? Well then answer the questions from your wolf's point of view. Maybe your perfect rank choice will earn you a top rank? Who knows, take the quiz!

Created by: Amarok
  1. Which option most fits your wolf?
  2. Which option best fits their personality?
  3. What would your wolf do if they found another pack's member, wounded, inside their territory.
  4. How much would you like to do your duties?
  5. What is the color of your wolf? ((If not listed, choose the closest)
  6. What does your wolf like to do?
  7. Is your wolf willing to follow every word of the Code of Conduct all of its life.
  8. If your wolf gave birth or their mate gave birth, what would they do?
  9. Is your wolf fond on traveling?
  10. Does your wolf easily remember things?
  11. What saying would fit your wolf?
  12. How much would your wolf put into their work?
  13. What type of rank would you want?
  14. Can your wolf handle blood on their body?
  15. Does your wolf want children?

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Quiz topic: What is my Rank?