What is your personality like?

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Everyone has a specific personality. What's yours? Do you know? Maybe this quiz will help you to discover your inner self. And even if it doesn't, have fun!

What's YOUR personality? Are you mean or kind, depressed or funny, sad or happy, hurtful or helpful? Take this quoz to find out what your personality really is!

Created by: Katra
  1. Choose your line...
  2. There is a girl at your school sitting in the corner alone. She isn't very popular, and she isn't rich either, because her clothes aren't name brands and expensive. What do you do?
  3. Pick one
  4. How do you think your friends would describe you?
  5. Pick a song
  6. Pick a Person
  7. Bananas
  8. So lets be serious for a minute...a guy likes you and asks you out on a date...what do you do?
  9. Choose one
  10. If I say this number, what do you think of? 69

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Quiz topic: What is my personality like?